Bloomburrow Pre-Release
Magic: The Gathering

Welcome to the world of Bloomburrow. We have squirrels and mice, badgers and bears, and even more woodland critters; picture Redwall, but with sorcery! The art for the set is absolutely stunning, having fantastic, bright landscapes, juxtaposed with the grim and seriousness of Magic in general; it looks like a winner! Here are the dates and times for all the events! 

Friday (July 26th)
Sealed, 3:00pm
Sealed, 6:30pm
THG Sealed, 7:00pm

​Saturday (July 27th)
Sealed, 8:00am
Main Event, 12:00pm
Sealed, 5:00pm

Sunday (July 28th)
THG Sealed, 11:00am
Sealed, 5:00pm

Monday (July 29th)
Sealed, 6:00pm

This will be like any other Magic pre-release; the price for the event is $40, comes with 6 play boosters from the set, 1 foil rare or mythic and a roll down d20. You will build a deck out of the cards you open and battle the other players over the course of 3 rounds for glory.... and prize packs of course. We are very excited to see this set in actions!

Bloomburrow Pre-Release ticket

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